Bloodbath Traffic Doubles after Rock the Bells with Qmania

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bloodbath Traffic Doubles after Rock the Bells with Qmania

"After Qmania helped promote Bloodbath at Rock the Bells, traffic to our online store doubled." -- R. Cho, Creative Director, Bloodbath

To the few who haven't yet checked them out, take a look at one of the great brands that partnered with us for some amazing giveaways and promotion: Bloodbath. They're coming up in the in-the-know community pretty quickly, and we were honored to share the hook up on some of their newest work.

To those that were there, it goes unsaid. To those that weren't, note: Rock the Bells rocked. We had a blast promoting a variety of brands and product there, and our giveaways made the day that much more fantastic for dozens of the lucky young.

New updates on the promotional repercussions of the Qmania presence at Rock the Bells for are still coming through. Sincere thanks again to all the brands involved, and congratulations again to the many fans sporting new hip gear. -- You all keep us going! Let's keep building!--


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