Walgreens, the pleasant, quaint, cosy, and every other endearing adjective that describes the store that has it all, is now selling it all, for $5 cheaper.

To say that Walgreens sells everything isn't too much of an overstatement, either. They have a bit of everything, and a lot of some things. A friend of mine had a bout with constipation and went to Walgreens for an enema. I went to Walgreens for a tube of cream for my rash when I contracted chickenpox. In those two trips, it is amazing to walk the isles and see so many things to stock your house with.
To qualify for the $5 savings, you must have at least $25 worth of items to buy. Here are just a few things to consider buying:
Maylong GPS NavigationLifesource Digital Blood Pressure MonitorMaxwell House Ground CoffeeClick here for the printable $5 Coupon
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