The good word going around town is that Qmania is going to be giving away some gear at the upcoming Gold Sprints here in Long Beach at Alex's Bar. While the racers are trying to keep their fixed gear riggs from flying off of the rollers, DJs will be spinning and beer will be flowing.
We're not sure what sorts of Qmania hook-ups we'll be giving out, but you can be sure that they'll be sick.
This begs the question: Why don't we have Alex's Bar deals on Qmania? We have Bici Concepts deals. Sounds like we need to get this local watering hole on board.
If the text on the flyer is too small, we've typed it below so that you don't go blind from squinting:
2913 E. Anaheim St
Strong Beach, CA 90804
We'll be there from 12:30pm for a few hours supporting the racers and just kicking it. Come hang with us.
For those of you that are interested in the history of this type of event, we've posted a video for you. Rumor has it that the name is tied to a German beer manufacturer that makes a product called Goldlager or something like that. The name stuck. Check out the original video of this from 1999.
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